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Messages - The Keymaster

Pages: [1]
Accepted Applications / Keymaster.... Mod application?
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:06:11 PM »
I guess?

In game name: The Keymaster
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66548921
Age: 15.016
Playtime on the server: I'm too dumb to figure this out. Help me bb
Why you be chosen to be a moderator: Because I can correct your incorrect grammar, as displayed in this moderator application format layout. Also... Because I have over 300 hours of experience as TTT staff? That's an okay reason right?
Other comments: I like licking thighs, and blackmailing Swerve. Sexual tension is my specialty, and I'll speak french to turn you on. 3.14159265358979326

General Discussion / Re: Become a member today!
« on: August 24, 2014, 02:33:53 PM »
The Kaymaster:

Edit: Accepted! (kaymaster? lel)

Pages: [1]